Wednesday 29 February 2012


Bricolage - Changing traditional objects and words to give them subversive meanings e.g. Punk with the safety pin - To rebel, using something that was used to hold a nappy together on a baby, they have changed the meaning by wearing it as a piercing .

Found footage - Already made clips put together, creating a new meaning.

Symbolic code - having the opposites next to each other e.g. fat wealthy man and a poor child.

Cool - 'something we like', also depends on the context - meaning how people see it.
Confidence is 'Cool'.

You do not have to be fashionable to be 'cool'. e.g. Michael McIntyre  - 'Lad' - nice man and everyone likes him. - Links to popularity, being popular makes you 'cool'.

Uncool - can be cool. Ironically wearing the geek glasses, which makes them cool.

Being 'Too Cool' can be uncool, like you're trying too hard.

Peers, Journalists, Celebrities, influential people decide what
is cool and the rest follow

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