Wednesday 15 February 2012

Changing News.

The way we get news has changed completely due to the internet, stories are now discovered and spread faster than ever due to the interaction of the viewer. Through sites like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and many more people are able to find out about recent stories and pass them instantly which in some cases makes it quicker than watching the evening news. For example the recent death of Whitney Houston was passed on instantly from the moment the news broke through the use of retweeting and reblogging information spreading the information to viewers all across the world. 

Tumblr post

Tweet retweeted 100000+ times
Also the use of the hash tag on Twitter allows most popular topic to be picked up which  who on the Trend bar at the side of everybody's Twitter dashboard. For very popular topics like celebrity news the top trending tweets are the same in every country. 

1 comment:

  1. Another nice example of PoMo and web2.0. The 'consumer' is now able to participate in the story and direct what becomes news and what doesn't. Look at gatekeeper theory for some extra info on this.
